Tuesday, June 22, 2004

WalMart Woes -- How Will It Go?

And so it was today that a federal judge certified the largest class ever in a civil rights class action lawsuit. Over 1.5 Million women have been included in a class suing WalMart for gender discrimination.

Six original Plaintiffs have now greatly increased their numbers, and that's the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to WalMart...

Or is it?

Because for each individual civil rights claim, they're going to have to prove that civil rights were violated. There is no presumption here. All the dirty laundry is going to come out. WalMart will trot out all of its high-placed female executives to testify, and will assassinate each and every Plaintiff who takes the stand. And they must take the stand.

So, how will it end? Should we believe WalMart is a terribly sexist company? I'm afraid that most of America will believe it's so, simply because of the class being certified. WalMart addressed this fear in a news release, asking people to realize that the certification of a class "has nothing to do with the merits of the case."

Will it be enough? Let's wait and see, shall we. It'll be interesting to see just how hard this big one would fall.

That's it.

Friday, June 18, 2004

And God Said... Let There Be Monopoly

I recently graduated from law school, and have begun studying to take the Bar Exam here in Texas. As I move along, I will be posting comments about my journey into "the dark side."

But first, I'd like to invite any comment on the effective monopoly that is BarBri.

For those of you unaware, BarBri is the "preeminent" Bar review course to take in order to prepare for the Bar Exam. Everyone takes it, if only because it's the only real game in town.

They tout their success levels at every turn. 90% of people who take BarBri (we are told) go on to pass the Bar on their first try. Well, you'd be an idiot not to take it, right?

The problem is, it costs about $2,400. Now, this ordinarily wouldn't be a big deal, considering the benefit that's undoubtedly conferred by a structured system of study. My only gripe is that, by my estimation, their overhead can't possibly be more than $100-$250 per student.

I'm not against someone turning a profit. Not even a big one. But where does it end? And what can we do to stop it?

Man, I wish I'd taken that Anti-Trust class.

That's all.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Medical Malpractice Insurance

Why is it that Texas spent so much money convincing its voters to pass a resolution setting caps on medical malpractice suit damages?

We were told that the high cost of medmal insurance premiums (and, by extension, the high cost of health care itself) was due to an "epidemic" of frivolous lawsuits, and the only remedy was to keep people from filing them.


It was last year that the thing was passed, and doctors' premium rates haven't gone down one iota.

Great huh? I know, I know, those of you from other states are shaking your heads at the stupidity of the people of Texas, right? Well, let me tell ya, folks; Texas ain't the first to do it, and unless the American people wake up, it certainly won't be the last.

That's it.